Is this not the best package to receive in the middle of a yucky winter in the 'burgh! It was my package in the Frosty Friends Exchange from Marie. Check out her blog....she does beautiful work. I was overwhelmed with her generosity. The scissors with the little leather case are awsome and she cross stitched an "L" on the other side of that snowflake! And the picture does not do the Floss Holder's beautiful!! Thank you again definately made a dreary winter day SUNNY!!!
Till next time yinz crazy guys.....
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Frosty Friends Exchange...
Posted by Lucy 5 Comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
Check your child's homework!!!!
When asked to draw a picture of what they wanted to be when they grew up, second-grader "Sarah" turned in the lovely drawing shown below. Needless to say, the teacher was a bit surprised -- Mrs. Smith had always seemed like such a conservative woman. So she sent a note home to the girl's mother asking for clarification as to the picture's meaning. (read Mom's reply below the picture)
Posted by Lucy 10 Comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
THIS IS AWESOME.......(click below to view!!)
Just 10 more days and counting, yinz crazy guys.....
Posted by Lucy 0 Comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
...on our WALL that is!!! And he is life size!!! OH, YEAH!!
Last time we had Ben out was the last time the Steelers won the Super Bowl. We also have a Jerome Bettis life size....Ben is just tall....Jerome was wide!!!
So, yinz guys.... with that said......HERE WE GO, STEELERS, HERE WE GO!!!!!!

Posted by Lucy 2 Comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
On a -7 degree day....
You Are Chicken Noodle Soup |
![]() You are a traditional and conservative person. You value the past, and change frightens you. You are very loyal, especially to your family. You prefer a low-key life, with lots of time spent at home. You like soup because it's easy, quick, and cheap. You tend to have a favorite soup you stick to. Why change a good thing? |
Thanks, Yarnie Tails!!! Till next time, yinz chilly guys.......
Posted by Lucy 2 Comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bring it on Ravens!!!!! Third time is charm!!! And thanks to VIK, I was able to use my limited knitting abilities and create this Steeler Korknisse! How cute is he???? And no female Steeler fan is complete with her very own set of Steeler fingernails!!! I love these!!! (they are mine...acrylic mine anyway!)

I don't think I ever showed this completed ornie from Christmas. I had cross stitched an ornie for each of my dogs and my cat from the Brittercup collection. So, when my son and DIL brought in their chocolate lab (my grand-dog), I just had to make one for him. I used brown instead of the usual black as you can see.

Posted by Lucy 11 Comments
Friday, January 09, 2009
Posted by Lucy 2 Comments
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Saw this over at Good Yarns! I cheated a bit on this one as it kept telling me I was athletic and wanted to climb mountains and surf the biggest wave...yeah RIGHT!!!
You Are a Maine Coon Cat |
![]() You tend to be loving and playful around your family and friends. But when you're around strangers you tend to be a bit reserved. You are intuitive. You understand human emotions well. You do best when you are around people. You don't like being left alone. |
Till next time, yinz crazy CATS!!
Posted by Lucy 4 Comments
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Resolutions for 2009....
Well, it's officially a New Year!!! Did I make resolutions? Yep! Now if I tell you then I'm held to them or else yinz guys will say I'm a failure! Ah, what the heck...I'll tell ya anyway...
1. Get to work on time. This is a tough one for me as I'm known as the late one. Sure, I get up early enough...early enough for two people to be on time for work but for some reason I just don't do it. Anyway, my motto, hanging in my office is "it' sure makes for a long day when you get to work ontime." (maybe I should take that down!) Just for the record, I got to work on Friday at 8:59 one...a success!
2. Read more. If you look at any past post pics, you will see the library of books I own. I love books...I love the feel of books (which is probably why I don't own a they cost boo-coo bucks!) Coffee and books are even better...thinking about installing a coffee corner in my diningroom/library (just kidding Glenn!) But unfortunately I acquire more books than I read at any given time! I do manage to read a little everyday but I want to increase that! For the record, if you read too, please check my links to Paperback Swap and Shelfari...two great sites for readers!
3. Lose Weight.....Okay, let's make this one, get healthy! Tho I lost for my wedding last year....the doc said half came back! My problem is that I eat when I'm happy....and I'm freakin' always happy!!!
4. Finish WIP's......I love to craft but have so many "works-in-progress" (for you non-crafters)! This resolution could be coupled with no procrastinating! As some of my WIP's include cleaning up our cellar (aka basement....for non-Pittsburghers), blogging more...etc...
5. Grow in my Faith.....this one is on a little more serious note. Growing in my faith will cover all the other things I need to do in my life....sorta a domino effect. Growing in my faith will bring me closer to God and what He needs for me to do in this to friends and gossiping or listening to it.....listening ear.....a closed mouth (except when I'm happy and eat....see resolution #3) and just a closer walk with God in general! you know it!!! I've revealed to you my goals for 2009!!! Feel free to call me on any of them when I rant and rave about things!!! (and I will!) Hey as a start...check out my Book Blog cause I've posted a new read I just finished....I'll keep you updated on those reviews...hopefully they will be often!
Well, enjoy your weekend.....and this brand new year....till next time, yinz crazy guys!!
Posted by Lucy 9 Comments