Merry Christmas to all my blogger friends! May you have a wonderful time with family and friends, may you get all the stitching gifts you asked for.....and most important, may you never ever forget the REASON for the SEASON!
God Bless....yinz guys!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Posted by Lucy 1 Comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Finally a working camera...
I'm here....just couldn't get the darn pics uploaded from the camera. I finally did so now sit back and enjoy cause I got lots to show you.
First off is our precious new grandson (my step-grandson) with his bib that I cross stitched for him. Isn't he absolutely adorable? Next it was my great nephew's 2nd birthday and being as he loves trucks soooooooo much I had to make one of this blankets...this material was just calling his name!
I was so bummed as I mis-placed our 50+ year old manger scene. It's somewhere in this house but with the kids moving in then out, it got put elsewhere. So I came up with this quickie one made of glass blocks and manger scene silhouettes from sticky paper. Saw this on the web somewhere and thought it was very clever. I did it in an evening.
I was in an ornament exchange and this is the ornament I sent. It's the second time I made it and it's from a very old magazine from the 80's. I just love it even tho it takes forever to make.
Did I tell you it was my birthday last Wednesday (9th)? I had a dear friend of mine bake me a cake which I took to my stitching group that night. Check out the needle and thread. It was sooooooo delicious!!

Well, that's it for now. Back to more cross stitching and crocheting for Christmas. I love this time of year for crafting. I wish I would start earlier (like January) doing this for the holidays so everyone I know could have something homemade from me....but yinz guys know how that goes. Till next time....
Posted by Lucy 8 Comments
Monday, December 07, 2009
I'm here....
Been busy stitching and stitching and stitching! Plus my son and DIL moved into their own place so that left me with getting our house back in order for the holidays. I'm finally caught up for the most part and plan on posting some stitching pics, but till then, enjoy this little reminder for the busy holiday traffic out there on the open road.....
Till next time, yinz crazy guys....
Posted by Lucy 1 Comments
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Posted by Lucy 1 Comments
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
A Recipe for Turkey....
HAPPY THANKSGIVING..........Here is a recipe I thought you would like for the holidays
Ingredients: 1 whole turkey
1 large lemon, cut into halve
salt and pepper to taste
butter or olive oil, whichever you prefer
Heat oven to 350 degrees
Rub butter or oil over the skin of the turkey until it is completely coated.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper and any other seasonings you prefer.
Take a knife and gently separate the skin from the breast meat;
Slide lemon halves under the skin with the peel side up, one on
each side. This way the juice from the lemon will release into the breasts.
Cover and bake for 30-45 minutes.
Remove cover and continue to roast until juices run clear, basting every 15-20 minutes.
If you've followed these steps correctly, your turkey should
look like the one in the picture.Bon Appetit!
Posted by Lucy 1 Comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
As you prepare your pies.....
Been sorta hectic in the Folk-n-Fancy household with two down with the flu last week in my family and one turning into pneumonia. Unfortunately the two with the illness were my son and DIL who were supposed to be moving into their new apartment this past weekend. Needless to say, with help they got moved in about 2/3 and I'm itching to clean up after the moving mess. So while patiently waiting I have been stitching (no pics yet I'm afraid). So while YOU patiently wait and prepare those delicious pies, I thought I would just give you a little reminder of exactly how those pumpkin pies are REALLY made.....ENJOY, YINZ GUYS!
Posted by Lucy 3 Comments
Monday, November 09, 2009
Monday Night Football....
Being it's a Steeler Monday Night Football night for us Steeler Fans, thought I would give yinz guys a little treat with the Steeler Dotee I put together for a swap.
Dotees really push me to be creative as I don't think much on them just start with some material and keep adding. I'm great at following patterns but not at making things up if you know what I mean.
Okay...that's it for now....back to regular scheduled programming yinz guys...till next time! GO STEELERS!
Posted by Lucy 3 Comments
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Just gotta say a great big shout out Happy Birthday to my great nephew, Owen, who turns two today!!! Tho the family lives in Chicago and we are in the 'burgh, my wonderful niece manages to keep us updated regularly on her blog with videos and is so awesome!!!
So, here's to you little guy.....when life gets me down and I take things for granted, just thinking about you enjoying and laughing at all the little things in life like funny songs and running through leaves and watching big trucks go by, brings me back to earth! You are truly a gift to us all!!! We love ya, buddy!!! Have an awesome day!!!
Posted by Lucy 1 Comments
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!!!
Happy Halloween yinz guys! Had to post this pic of my son in his halloween you believe this???
He and DIL went on a Halloween Cruise on the River last night. She dressed as a student from Harry Potter. Last year they were Adam and Eve....that was funny! everyone I'm battling the tazmanian poopies...AKA bad head cold. I think I'm on the last leg of it cause at least my nose is not tickling and maybe I can at least get back to stitching. Had to stop for a day due to constant sneezing...UGH!
Anyway, wanted to show you a couple of pics of the Stitch Fest I attended a few weeks ago.
This is like the highlight of our stitching group when our LNS holds this at a local country club. All day stitching and buying goodies with a great lunch and loads of freebies. I even was able to sell some of my ort catchers....tho the money went back into buying stuff.
Oh, well, gonna relax a bit more today and hopefully I'll be back to almost normal tomorrow. Sweetie Man is spoiling me cause I'm sick (I secretly love it!) till next time, yinz crazy guys!!!
Posted by Lucy 2 Comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Some updates...
Fall is here and so is my favorite time of year to sit in the house, watch some football or a favorite TV show and craft. Could be the reason I haven't been blogging as much....cause I've been crafting. Anyway, I finally finished one of the "Just Another Button Teapots". I've done the teacup for February which I posted awhile back. The whole year of Teapots and Cups in this series is definately on my "to do" list. I just love the colors.
Next off I was in a swap in the HOE group and received this beautiful needleroll from Holland, along with the little pumpkin candles and leaves and a special treat of the fall cross stitch pattern minis.
The needleroll is fabulous, isn't it?
Next swap was on Swap Bot with Frankenstein Dotees. This cutie is the one I received. Love the stitched face!
This one is the one I sent. The screws on the side of the head are my favorite.
And last but not least....I crocheted this little blanket for a special little fellow who we will be meeting for the first time this coming's a surprise!
Well, I got another football game to watch in about a 1/2 hour so I'm off to more stitching! So, till next time, yinz crazy guys.....
Posted by Lucy 3 Comments
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Welcome Carson Edward....
An adorable little man came into our world new step-grandson....CARSON EDWARD! Sweetie Man is poetic so enjoy the little poem below that he wrote to his new grandson!
Till next time, yinz crazy guys!!! (PS...unfortunately for you crafters, I didn't make the hat...but I wish I's really cute!)
Posted by Lucy 6 Comments
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Preview of things to come....
What are these, you ask? They are mini ort catchers. Someone in my cross stitch group had one and I couldn't find it online so I measured hers and made one of my own. One turned into two, into three.....and next thing you know, my LNS wanted to sell them. I started off with only nine but I am anxious to try different combos with all the fabric scraps I have. They measure about 3 X 5 on the base and have a pincushion and a little detachable bag. I'm hoping to sell them on my etsy shop soon.....I'll let you know so keep an eye out if you are interested. And did anyone get these yet???? OMG...this is the highlight of my cross stitch year....I love these mags when they come out. I liked last year's Halloween one better as it had more things my style, but the Christmas one is fantabulous!!!
I was in a swap for polymer clay that could only be around one inch. I decided to make some charms and this is what I came up with. It's was fun....I love playing with that stuff.
And lastly...I think I've been possessed by Julie Childs. I've been wanting to bake and cook. Tho hubby loves to cook, he is so enjoying this new me. Thought I would show you one of my desserts. Very simple yet delicious. Angel Food cake with Cool Whip and strawberries in the middle and all around. It was so good! I also discovered the Kraft Food website. is so for people like me who don't really enjoy cooking but would like to, if that makes any sense. The best one is the 1 in 5 bag of groceries gives you five meals. I'm trying that this week. Very simple if you want good meals but don't have the time to make them...(cause you're crafting).
Posted by Lucy 9 Comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Where has the time gone...
I actually don't think it's just me, but I personally haven't seen alot of blogging going around with the summer months and all. I've been crafting away but not blogging away. I've really been in a cross stitch mood and have been working on something special for someone
I'll just keep showing you the progress and hope this person(s) don't peek. Next are some swaps I've received recently in Swap-bot. First off is the Tin-Man Dotee I received for the Wizard of Oz swap. The picture doesn't do it justice as the material was really nice and silvery.
Here is the one I received for Alice in the Alice in Wonderland Dotee Swap. Love the hair!
Can't forget the Queen of Hearts Dotee in the Alice and Wonderland Swap. I think this face is awesome.
I just love to see everyone's take on the dotee swaps. It is so much fun to get a package. This next cross stitch is in the HoE Exchange and the theme was Summer House Exchange. I love american flags on things so this was a perfect pinkeep for me.
Well that's about it on my update. Just came back from a short vacation to Michigan to visit my step-daughter who is due to have her baby boy in about a month. Here are a couple pics to show off my two step daughters, step son and step son-in-law (in the cute cowboy hat) along with Sweetie man and me.
And we can't forget the little guy who will be joining us in just about a month.....
So, till next time, yinz crazy guys.....
Posted by Lucy 6 Comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Happy Birthday, DIL!!
She is the best DIL any MIL could ever have (especially to put up with my wacky son...just kidding!) She is beautiful, talented, smart and she definately keeps my son in line...something I never could do! I love ya, Jenn...hope you have a GREAT FANTASTIC BIRTHDAY and don't let your husband do to you what his friends did to him on his 21st....and you know what I'm talking about!
Till next time, yinz crazy guys.....
Posted by Lucy 2 Comments