Wednesday, November 08, 2006

In case you thought I was loafing...

I wasn't! I was making this!

It's a prayer shawl for a very kind lady in Maryland who is battling breast cancer right now. She's seems to be doing well so hopefully the prayer shawl will help her through the rest. But I have to tell you, beside this not being the best of pictures of it, I had a real time with this. Everything was going along fine, when I started the last and final skein. It turned out to be a different dye lot or else I accidently picked up a color that was extremely close to it. I was sick! I had knitted about 15 rows before I really discovered it. Now I am new to knitting and don't know how to frog knitting if that is even possible...but I did. I ended off the second skein then took the third and final skein and did about twenty rows of crochet on each end of the shawl. It had a strange shape when all was done but if you saw it on, it really wasn't that bad. The lady who got it loved it from what Sweetie Man told I guess it will serve it's purpose. My prayers are with her through the shawl.
I did have Election Day off of work so I did the usual running around after voting which took a total of 1 hour and that included the annual "boob squeeze" at the hospital. It's not the squeezing (though I do thank the mamogram angels that the power didn't go off at that particular moment leaving me with a permanent pancake on my chest)...but I do hate the fact that those squeeze machines are so darn cold...brrrrr! Okay...that's off my chest...get it? Off my chest? (nevermind)
Anyway, I also cleaned or put a large dent in one of my closets that is actually a walk-in sorta thing that was becoming an "open the door and throw stuff in fast" if you know what I mean. It's now accessible and 6 garbage bags + and 3 clothing bags's pretty nice if I do say so myself. I'm off again for Veteran's Day on Friday so I probably finish that up. I feel such a sense of accomplishment after a good "redding up"!
Well, that's about it for now. If you have a moment, check out my first Dogster Badge on my sidebar. If you click directly on his name, it will take you to Eros' website that we started. Don't forget to leave him a bone so he'll know you were there. We'll eventually have one for each dog and then one for the cat at Catster. Thank you to the wonderful person who emailed it to know who you are!
So, till tomorrow and, in my case, a "mock" Friday.....Hasta Manana, yinz guys!


Vera said...

Your shawl is beautiful as well as thoughtful.

Anonymous said...

You did a great job on your Shawl!!

Mimi said...

Lucy, the shawl looks lovely from what I can see! And more so that it's knitted, it drapes better.
Yay, for clearing up the closet ;)

ollie1976 said...

Lucy-the shawl is beautiful-great job and you probably feel so proud of the accomplishment and where it went.
As for Eros...great little website!

Unknown said...

The shawl is gorgeous

Madelyn said...

Lucy, the shawl is lovely. Great way to utilize both crafts.

LG said...

Hi LUcy, no the picture is not bad, I can see the shawl and I like it very much. She´ll love it!

About catster and dogster... think about it before joining your two dogs and cats... Kitty is getting almost more mail than me!!! ;) If you join them, please let us know!

Anonymous said...

I think the shawl is gorgeous! Your solution worked out well. I really need to do some closet cleaning too. LOL, at dogster!

Andi said...

The shawl looks fantastic!! I just left ERos a bone on his website. It's a cool site I agree. I cannot wait till he starts his diary... that out to be a hoot!!

Anonymous said...